How To Sing A Song To A Backing Track

How To Sing A Song To A Backing Track
How To Sing A Song To A Backing Track

Music has always been one of man's favorite pastimes. The arrival of modern technologies provided a new round of development and writing of music. Now anyone can find a phonogram on the Internet, sing their favorite song, and more advanced people can even write their own composition.

How to sing a song to a backing track
How to sing a song to a backing track

If earlier phonograms were recorded in studios using special equipment, now they have been replaced by a computer and specialized programs. That is why today on the network you can find a large number of different backing tracks of popular songs, using which you can interpret the work of your favorite group or singer, as well as entertain guests at a party.

How to find the backing track of a song

In order to find a soundtrack for your favorite song, you will need to enter the name of the song and the artist and add the word "minus". The search results will please you - you will see hundreds of different backing tracks of songs (high-quality and not very good, with and without audible backing vocals). All you need to do is download the song to your computer.

Advice for choosing a backing track

When choosing a backing track, you should pay attention to some parameters. For example, it is best to select a phonogram that will not have any significant differences from the original version. Choosing such a backing track will make it easier for you to sing, and in case of hitch, it will be easier to find the place where you left off. Using accurate backing tracks will also help you memorize the song, playing style, and vocal line faster.

How to sing

Before singing a song to a backing track, it is best to listen to the original version of the song in order to determine the movement of the voice melody, determine the pauses in singing, practice making vocal decorations (blues intonations, etc.). After listening to the original version of the song several times, you will be able to confidently navigate while singing to the backing track.

For training, you will need to perform the song a couple of times, accompanied by the original - this way you will quickly remember the vocal part of the song, feel confident without the vocal "support" of the singer when performing on your own.

Before singing directly to the minus, listen to the song “without voice” several times. You can also sing along a bit for better melody memorization. Usually, pauses in vocals are characterized by instrumental playing - this will be a kind of hint (however, this principle does not work in songs written in the "progressive" style).

Try turning on the minus again and more or less confidently sing the whole song. Let it not be very good at first - a little practice and you will achieve a good result. Do not worry and do not assume that you will never be able to sing like your favorite singer. All in your hands!
