The backing track of a song is called a phonogram in which there is no part of one of the instruments or vocals. Backing tracks are widespread, tk. give the performer the opportunity, by turning on such a phonogram, to learn the part of his instrument or to sing to it. "Minuses" are often used in karaoke, KVN performances, at various holidays.

Currently, on various sites you can find backing tracks for almost all famous songs. Some of them were recorded in professional studios, and some were created by craftsmen who synthesize sound effects on home computers.
The largest and most famous sites from which you can download backing tracks are:,,, etc. They differ from each other only in the interface and the set of tracks available for download. There are no problems in how to download the backing track of a song to your computer from one of these resources. You don't even need to register. Using the search system installed on the site, you need to find the desired track and download it with one click. At the same time, there can be several backing tracks of one song on the site at once, differing in their quality. Therefore, you can choose the most suitable option.
If none of the sites listed above turned out to be the backing track you needed, or it sounds unsatisfactory, then you should not despair. Continue your searches on the Internet, most likely the entry you need will be found on some resource. It may be that the song is new and the backing track for it is simply not available, then you just need to be patient and wait.
However, there is another option, you can try to create a backing track from an existing song yourself. This can be done using a special program, such as Adobe Audition, or at This service allows you to "suppress" vocals in any track. The performer's voice will not be completely removed, but it will become much less noticeable.