You shouldn't store your guitar anywhere if you really want the instrument to serve you for a long time and not let you down at the most inopportune moments. For her, it is worth allocating a separate place in the room where she will not bother anyone.

Step 1
The easiest (and most reliable) way is to use guitar holders that are specially designed for convenient and secure placement of the instrument indoors. At the same time, if you are inspired, it will take you seconds to remove the guitar from such a holder, while unpacking the instrument from the case will make you spend much more time and effort. Guitars are usually placed either on a stand on the floor or hung on a holder on the wall. The second option is more convenient if you need to save space in the room.
Step 2
A guitar holder is usually made on the principle of a grip - a semicircular bracket covered with a soft material like foam rubber - so as not to scratch the neck. It is wider than the neck itself, but smaller than its head, where the tuning pegs are located. In a music store, this little thing will cost you about 300 rubles. A few minutes of diligence, and the instrument will finally find its place in your home. To attach the fixture to the wall, you just need to make a few holes and secure the holder with nails or screws.
Step 3
You can make a wall holder in a homemade way. You will need two metal pins or a very long and strong nail. They need to be mounted in the wall parallel to the floor at such a distance from each other that the bar passes between them, but it is too narrow for its head. That is, the principle of operation is the same as that of the branded holder. Only the reliability of such a device will be reduced. And another option for the lazy owners of hiking guitars, that is, instruments that are not a pity. Tie a rope with a loop in the same place where the guitar would be attached to the holder. It remains only to drive a nail into the wall and hang your tool on it.