When To Harvest Oak Brooms For A Bath

When To Harvest Oak Brooms For A Bath
When To Harvest Oak Brooms For A Bath

Due to the fact that oak has life-giving power, after steaming in a bath with an oak broom, everyone feels as if they were reborn. You don't have to buy a broom, you can make it yourself.

oak - future broom
oak - future broom

Oak brooms just work wonders. Oak is rich in essential oils that soothe, relieve stress and help the body to fully recover. Those who have their own bath know a lot about steaming with brooms. However, you don't have to build one to enjoy a great bath with an oak broom. You can go to a city bath or sauna, and make a broom yourself. It will be much more pleasant to steam with such a broom, because you made it yourself!

To collect oak branches for drying, you need to adhere to a few simple rules: the collection is carried out in the morning in clear weather. If it rained shortly before harvesting, then you need to wait a little and let the leaves dry out, and the dew will come off. You can collect it already from mid-June, when the church feast of Trinity will take place, but still the best oak brooms are obtained from the branches harvested in July. By this time, the leaves are holding tight, and they have good strength. In August, harvests should be completed already, as the quality of raw materials is lost.

You need to choose a tall oak located in the shade. You need to cut a little from each tree, so as not to ruin it. Better to use pruning shears for cutting. After collecting, you need to let the branches dry for an hour. To do this, they must be laid out in the shade in one layer, without overlapping each other.

You can knit brooms in two ways: "ball" (laying branches in a circle) or "shovel" (laying on top of each other). You can add a rowan branch or a spruce branch for flavor. They are usually fixed on both sides - where the "handle" is with a bandage or cloth, and where the fan is with twine. Then the broom must be placed under oppression for a day, and then hung in a dry, well-ventilated room. After a week, the leaves will dry out completely and the broom can be used in a hot water bath. Of course, you can avoid drying and use a "fresh" broom, but then it is recommended to immerse it only in warm water, not hot.