Being alone with nature is a real test of strength. After all, a modern city dweller is absolutely helpless outside of civilization. Therefore, when going on a picnic or camping trip, it is better to be prepared for any surprises.

Step 1
Going to the forest or taiga, you should take some things with you: a knife, a lighter or matches, a mug, plastic bottles, a long nylon rope. With a certain skill, everything you need to live in nature can be obtained with the help of these simple items. Dress warmly as temperatures can drop significantly at night. If possible, collect the first aid kit, taking at least iodine, bandages.
Step 2
If you find yourself in an extreme situation, the first step is to start looking for a source of fresh water. It can be a river, lake or spring. If during the day it was not possible to find a fresh reservoir, then begin to collect condensate by exposing a container close to tightness in the sun, dew or rain drops.
Step 3
A temporary dwelling should be located on a hill. In the summertime, you can build a kind of hut from spruce branches. Use long flexible branches, for example, willow branches, to pave the walls of the hut, strengthening them. The floor should be covered with a thick layer of leaves, grass or pine paws. In winter, you can use a snow hut for shelter. In the place where deep snowdrifts lie, a trench is pulled out or walls are molded of snow, the hut is covered with branches on top.
Step 4
Watch out for insects. Cover your body as much as possible with your clothes, fasten your cuffs, and raise your collar to avoid mosquitoes or ticks getting under your clothes. In front of the shelter, on the leeward side, place a jar or piece of thick bark, where you put burning coals, and then cover with moss or cones. The smoke will scare away insects and will not enter your home.
Step 5
Be careful when eating wild plants. Often poisonous are those that secrete milky juice at the fracture. Start trying an unfamiliar plant by eating 1-2 grams, if after a few hours you do not feel signs of poisoning, you can eat a little more. After 20 hours, you can eat this product without restrictions. For greater safety, boil tubers, leaves, fruits well, since many organic poisons are destroyed during heat treatment.