Ginura is an unusual showy houseplant. Its dark green leaves are covered with bright purple hairs, which looks festively beautiful. It blooms with orange flowers - baskets, similar to dandelion inflorescences.
The plant is unpretentious, and it will not be difficult to provide all the necessary conditions for its maintenance, even for novice florists.

Ginura is a beautiful perennial herbaceous plant. In nature, it grows in abundance in the tropical forests of Africa. The soft stems of Ginura orange grow up to one meter in length. You can form a plant either as climbing on a support, or as an ampelous one. When forming, the plant must be pinched to stimulate the emergence of new lateral shoots. If you do not pinch it, it will grow into one stem, and will quickly lose its beauty.
It often blooms profusely in a room, but the flowers are not particularly decorative and smell unpleasant. Some growers prefer to remove them at the bud stage.
In order for the beauty of Ginura to remain bright, she needs to provide good lighting.
Ginura is photophilous, tolerates the direct rays of the sun, but you still need to cover it at noon. With a lack of light, the plant becomes pale.
Temperature conditions. The plant is thermophilic. The ideal temperature is 20-22 degrees, in winter it feels good at 16-18.
Watering is plentiful in summer, moderate in winter. The earth ball should not dry out completely. Do not allow water to enter the leaves when the plant is in the sun - black spots may remain. Loves high humidity. Therefore, it will be advisable to put containers with water next to Ginura.
You do not need to spray Ginura. You can remove dust from the leaves with a wide soft brush.
In case of severe pollution, you can wash the plant with water, leave it in the shade until the leaves are completely dry.
You need to feed Ginura with liquid complex fertilizer once a month from May to September, this will be enough.
Ginura propagates by stem cuttings. It takes root well, it grows quickly.
You can root the cuttings in water.
Can be placed directly into the soil by dipping the tip of the stem into a rooting agent. In this case, you need to make a greenhouse made of polyethylene. Air the cuttings in the greenhouse every day for 5 minutes, make sure that the soil does not dry out.
Ginura tends to grow: the lower leaves fall off, decorativeness is lost. Therefore, it needs to be periodically updated: cut off all the stems into cuttings, root them and plant again several cuttings in a pot.
If the plant does not yet need a complete renovation, it must be transferred in the spring to a new larger pot.
1 part of leafy land, 1 part of turf, 1 part of humus and 0.5 parts of sand - in such soil, Ginura will feel good.
You can grow Ginura hydroponically.