There are not so many ways to play the guitar, but the variety within the styles is great. Nowadays, you can often hear accompaniment to songs with the help of guitar strikes. And only a few of the guitarists are brute force. In fact, this technique, called arpeggio, is a classic guitar technique. With its help, you can play the most sincere and beautiful songs.

Step 1
Train your fingers. First of all, you need to accustom your fingers to this way of playing. You don't need to know arpeggio techniques to do this. It is enough just to iterate over the strings one by one in a certain sequence, for example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1. This is a fairly common form of brute force. Train your fingers to pull each string on its own. Don't get in the habit of playing completely with one finger. Ideally, the thumb tugs on the bass, the other three (four) fingers trick. It's not that easy, so exercise as much as possible.
Step 2
Move on to learning Arpeggio techniques. The simplest trick consists of four strings. The thumb tugs on the bass string. For a beautiful sound, play a chord, such as A minor, as you practice. Therefore, the fifth string will be the bass. After the bass, pluck 3, 2, 1. Practice this technique by gradually rearranging the chords. Then learn the next trick. It's called the six-note arpeggio. Pluck the bass, then 3, 2, 1, 2, 3. This technique is already much more difficult than the previous one.
Step 3
Play a broken arpeggio. The most difficult and most beautiful kind of "brute force" is a broken arpeggio. It is also called eight sounds. With its help, most of the songs are played, which are played "brute-force". This technique is played as follows: bass, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3. The main difficulty is that you have to pluck more strings. However, after a good workout, you can easily sort through them.
Step 4
Practice other arpeggio techniques. Each musician has his own kind of "busting". Remember the song of the DDT group "This is all." Try to master such original techniques. Hear more guitarists brute-force their songs. Thus, you will replenish your arsenal with new brute force methods.