A number of simple pieces are available for performance by any person, even those far from music. The famous "Dog Waltz" belongs to such plays. It is performed mainly on black piano keys. For ease of parsing, label each note with a number.

Step 1
So here is a series of three black piano keys. From left to right, each of them is the first, second, third. The white piano key next to the third is the fourth. To the left is a series of two black keys - the fifth and sixth. The white key next to the next black key (the first of three) is the seventh, the black itself is the eighth. To be absolutely precise, the names of the listed notes are F-sharp, G-sharp, A-sharp, B, C-sharp, D-sharp, F, F-sharp (repeat). Each sound has the same length of time (duration) - an eighth. We mark the absence of notes during one duration with the number 0. Simultaneously pressed two or more notes will be enclosed in brackets.
Step 2
Play the first section of the melody as follows: 6-5-1-0- (3 + 8) - (3 + 8) -0. Repeat.
Step 3
Next link: 6-5-1-0- (3 + 8) - (- 1) -0- (3 + 8) - (- 2) -0- (4 + 7) - (4 + 7) -0 … Notes (-1) and (-2) correspond to notes 6 and 5, only to the left (one octave lower).
Step 4
Next: 6-5 - (- 2) -0- (4 + 7) - (4 + 7) -0 - repeat twice.
Step 5
Final link: 6-5 - (- 2) -0- (4 + 7) - (- 1) -0- (4 + 7) -1-0- (3 + 8) - (3 + 8)