How To Write A Quatrain About Yourself

How To Write A Quatrain About Yourself
How To Write A Quatrain About Yourself

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Are poems, poems or little quatrains dedicated to you? Try writing a little rhyme about yourself. This practice can be useful to later compose quatrains about friends and family for the holidays and for practical jokes.

How to write a quatrain about yourself
How to write a quatrain about yourself


Step 1

What traits would you like to highlight, what to tell about yourself? Write this information down on paper. Think about the style of the poem - a joke, serious or romantic for a girl or a guy. A quatrain for cool parties is easier to write - it assumes and allows for some incorrectness and distortion of words. And you better start with the composition of just such a work, they will not find fault with you and unnecessarily criticize you.

Step 2

For a guy: List all the words that apply to the case. These can be your great mental qualities, your accomplishments at work, your academic success, and your merits as a host at a party. As an example: the soul of companies, a nice guy, the hope of a school, a hard worker, a wonderful husband, and similar phrases. Already at this stage, uncomplicated rhymes can form: companies - a guy.

Step 3

Now, through trial and error, collect words into sentences, not forgetting the rhythm of the verse. Feel free to cross out unsuccessful options - there will be a lot of them, there is nothing to worry about. If you are organizing a birthday party, surprise your guests - in response to their congratulations in verse, read your quatrain.

I have a birthday today - I cleaned the house and laid the table, I went to do my hair and opened the bottles!

I am surprised at myself, I am a stranger to myself -

I am waiting for your wishes, congratulations on the holiday!

Step 4

And read a rhyme like this to your girlfriend:

My dear girl! I can do everything for you:

I'll get you the stars and show you the Maldives!

You love me like that, it couldn't be better!

Then I'll find a job and maybe quit drinking!

It's easy to compose such frivolous quatrains about yourself, their content directly depends on your mood and imagination.

Step 5

A girl can also come up with a comic poem while waiting for her friends:

I put all the wardrobe items on the bed, As always, there are a lot of clothes, but you can't collect a set!

I don't have time to go anywhere, I dream on the go

Meet the fairy-tale prince, so that he falls in love with me!

Step 6

Or devote a quatrain to your loved one:

I wait for you and go to bed, fall asleep, waiting.

Waiting for you when I wake up in the golden sun.

Waiting for you, looking out the window with a cup of morning tea.

I am waiting for you when I stand, hugging your shoulders.
