Some people are not allowed to sleep peacefully by the laurels of Napoleon, Peter I and Alexander the Great. All these people somehow became famous and thanks to this they went down in history. Why did they enter it, they created it themselves. For those who also want to make history, this article will be interesting.

Step 1
Decide on the scale. Before you start making history, you need to decide on your ambitions. Do you have enough fame if you are the creator of the history of your region, or do you want to change something within the country? Or maybe you want to take control of world history?
Step 2
Decide for yourself in which area you want to change the story. You don't have to be a politician for the world to remember you for centuries to come. You can also become famous as a warlord. Or you can come up with a new religion, and then the fate of the world may also change. In the end, you can destroy all existing media and write your own story that pleases you. Try to prove now that the stories of Nestor, Herodotus, or even Karamzin are completely true.
Step 3
Set big goals. Seriously, you need to try very hard to make your way to the "cream" of society, which can make history, without outside help. Get ready to enter a serious university. At Moscow State University, MGIMO, Oxford, Harvard or Cambridge. If you can enter one of these prestigious universities, you can congratulate yourself - you are one step closer to history. Further, remember that you must be the best of the best, you may have to sacrifice friendship, love and other human joys. But who said that the history makers were overwhelmingly happy?
Step 4
Make useful contacts. On your own, you can hardly get out "up" where history is being made. But, as mentioned above, you study in a prestigious place and become the best of the best, respectively, pay attention to people who can become your patrons. Then you grow up the career ladder, wait for your patron to retire - and take his place.
Step 5
Make history. Now you have become one of the most influential, and possibly the most influential person in our country. What's next? It is necessary to make sure that the country becomes the main force in geopolitics, then you would be able to create global history. How to do it? Well, you studied at MGIMO, you should know. A small hint - we need a new ideology that can unite, if not the whole world, then a significant part of it. For example, "power - to the workers", or "democracy in the whole world." True, all this has already been invented before you, so you need to invent something new. Further - wars, terrorist attacks, the game of special services, the "worldwide conspiracy" and other joys of the creation of history. And then one day you will wake up on St. Helena, and your descendants will name a cake after you. So think about whether you need to make history, or is friendship or love better?