Slime (slime) is a mass that is pleasant to the touch, which is so exciting to wrinkle in your hands. It can be made from plasticine, from toothpaste, from shaving foam, from glue, from edible ingredients. Making slimes with your own hands is simple and fun.

Fluffy Slime

The mass for such a slime turns out to be lush, airy. There are many recipes for making fluffy slime. One of them suggests using:
· Shaving foam;
· Salt.
Squeeze out a little shampoo in a container, now gradually add shaving foam and stir this mass with a spatula. The substance should be fluffy and homogeneous. Then add a little salt to make the mass more solid, stir. The slime will begin to thicken. If the slime is still too soft, then add a little more salt and stir.
Plasticine slime

This readily available material will also make for useful anti-stress. Take:
Plasticine - 200 g;
Water - 300 ml;
Gelatin - 30 g.
First you need to dissolve the gelatin in water. Stir it in this liquid and let it sit for 45 minutes. During this time, the gelatin will swell. Then heat it up in a water bath or over low heat until hot. The gelatin will dissolve, then remove it from the heat and cool.
Mash up the clay to soften it. Pour warm gelatin here and knead until smooth. Then you need to put it in the refrigerator for an hour, after which you can take out this slime and play with it with pleasure.
Toothpaste and shampoo slime

Shampoo and toothpaste are wonderful ingredients for the next anti-stress. You can make different slimes by adding one or another dye.
Take a tall bowl and pour 4 tbsp. l. thick shampoo, gradually begin to squeeze out the toothpaste and mix it all with a spatula or spoon. Then it remains to add food coloring, but you can omit this stage if the color of the final product suits you already.
After mixing with a spatula, you will need to knead this mass with your hands, then put it in a suitable container and place in the freezer for 30 minutes. After this time, it remains to get the chewing gum for your hands, knead it, after which you can play with this anti-stress.
How to make an edible slime

This slime will delight the sweet tooth. After all, after playing with him, you can eat it with pleasure.
Powdered sugar;
· Water;
Pour some water into a container. Then put the broken marshmallow in pieces here. Melt these ingredients in the microwave or water bath.
Take 2 parts caster sugar and 1 part starch. Start gradually adding these bulk materials to the slightly cooled marshmallow mass. Knead it all out with a spoon. When the slime thickens and has an optimal consistency, it means that there is enough starch and powdered sugar. You can play with it with clean hands, gradually eating this sweetness.
It's so easy to make a slime with your own hands. Such slimes need to be stored in the refrigerator, covered with cling film.
When you need to play, you will take out the slime and then put it back in the refrigerator for storage.