Original and bright bracelets made of threads, woven by hand, were originally an attribute of the hippie subculture, but later their meaning became more universal - beautiful and unusual "friendship bracelets" are worn by people of different ages and social statuses, and everyone can learn how to weave baubles. The ability to weave bracelets from threads will allow you to create a unique memorable gift for a friend or loved one at any time.

Step 1
To make a simple eight-thread bracelet, you will need colored floss, scissors and a pin. Measure the circumference of the wrist on which the bracelet will be worn, and multiply the length by four - this is the length of the threads you need to weave the baubles. Usually, it is enough to take threads a little more than a meter long.
Step 2
Tie the ends of the threads into a knot and pin the knot to any base with a pin - to the back of the chair or to your own knee. Distribute the bundle of threads so that the colors that will alternate in the pattern of the finished baubles follow one after the other. With the thread on the far left, tie the next thread with a double knot.
Step 3
After that, continue tying all subsequent threads with double knots until the extreme thread passes to the opposite edge. The next thread of a different color will appear on the left. Repeat the steps described above - with a new extreme thread, tie all the other threads of the row one by one, and when it reaches the right edge, go to the left edge again.
Step 4
Thus, tie the rows of threads sequentially, increasing the length of the bauble. You will notice a pattern of colored diagonal lines emerging - weave the bauble to the end, forming further diagonal lines, and at the end tie a knot and make braids.
Step 5
If you start braiding the threads in the opposite direction, you will get a mirror-image pattern. The herringbone pattern also looks original - you will get it if you visually divide the bauble threads into two parts, and start weaving the left part from left to right, and the right part from right to left.
Step 6
The threads with which you twist one row on both sides meet in the center, and as a result, a line of knots is formed, resembling an arrow pointing down. Having mastered the weaving of the simplest patterns, you can improve your skills and weave baubles with more complex and intricate ornaments.