Sansevieria - Signs And Features

Sansevieria - Signs And Features
Sansevieria - Signs And Features

Sansevieria or simply a pike tail can often be found in our apartments. Many people recommend planting this rather unpretentious plant at home.

Sansevieria - signs and features
Sansevieria - signs and features

This flower is said to have many benefits. Sansevieria cleans the air of bacteria and microbes, protecting people from colds and other diseases, strengthens the immune system, helps to endure stress and pressure drops, improves memorization of new knowledge, and contributes to the development of self-confidence in a person.

It is quite difficult to confirm the signs, but one thing can be said for sure - it is very simple to breed and care for a pike tail. Plant a leaf of this plant in the ground and most likely it will take root easily. It is recommended to put the plant in a shaded place and water when the top layer of soil in the pot dries up. Sansevieria does not like a lot of moisture, so the intervals between waterings can be about two to three weeks.

Even in a cramped pot, sansevieria feels very good, but it is better to transplant an overgrown plant. And again, nothing special is needed to transplant a pike tail - just wait until the soil in the pot dries up, carefully separate the contents of the pot and pull the flower out from there. Put drainage in a new pot (for example, expanded clay is suitable), fill in ordinary soil for plants and plant sansevieria there.

If you take good care of the pike tail, it will bloom and delight you with a pleasant smell similar to that of vanilla.
