Calathea is an ornamental-leaved plant widely used in indoor culture. Calathea is appreciated for its rather large leaves with an interesting zebra-like or spotted pattern. With good care, plants can reach 50-80 cm in height. Despite the undemanding growing conditions, it is advisable to replant calathea annually.

It is necessary
- - a pot;
- - a pallet for a pot;
- - soil mixture;
- - moss, peat or wet sand.
Step 1
When buying a calathea, take care of purchasing a suitable pot and substrate necessary for a flower. Choose a pot based on the size of the selected plant and your own design views, because Calathea does not require special (transparent or low) containers. Remember that used pots should be washed with hot water and soap and kept in a solution of potassium permanganate for some time.
Step 2
Prepare potting mix. Take in equal parts humus, peat, leaf, turf and sand. You can add expanded clay pebbles or pieces of pine bark to the soil mixture. They will make the substrate looser and improve its breathability. Mix the soil well.
Step 3
Water the plant abundantly a few hours before transplanting. As soon as the soil is saturated with moisture, gently turn the pot over and remove the calathea along with the earthy lump. Remove the soil from the roots, rinse and inspect them carefully. Cut off all broken, rotten parts and sprinkle the slices with charcoal powder.
Step 4
Place drain chips on the bottom of the pot. Spread a layer of earth 2-3 cm thick on it. Place the plant in the center of the pot and, holding it with one hand, start adding the prepared substrate, crushing it slightly. The soil layer should not reach the edge of the pot by about 1-1.5 cm. However, keep in mind that after watering, the soil mixture will settle down a little.
Step 5
Check if you have buried the plant too deep. The root collar of the calathea should be flush with the surface of the substrate. If this rule is violated, rotting of the shoots or drying out and oppression of the plant is possible.
Step 6
Water the calathea liberally after transplanting. The entire earthen lump in the pot must be saturated with water. Place the plant pot in a cool place and shade out of direct sunlight for the first time. This time is needed for more time to adapt to new conditions.