A beautiful and original bouquet of flowers is the most pleasant and appropriate gift for any occasion or date. To make a bouquet, you need to be guided by some rules and basic principles of floristry.

Step 1
Flowers, which in the future will become the main component of the bouquet, must certainly have long and even stems. From the bottom (by a third) it is necessary to remove the leaves, the thorns should also be cut off from the roses (otherwise they will rot in the vase). If you are collecting a bouquet of several types of flowers, then the largest flowers should be located in the center of the bouquet, distribute the smaller ones on the sides. Lush and large heads should not bump or look at each other, be lowered down. Fill the voids in the bouquet with decorative leaves or small flowers that match the color scheme or shape.
Step 2
In the rules for collecting bouquets, there are no strict rules governing the color gamut or density. The most harmonious combinations: purple and yellow, green and red, blue and orange, red and blue, yellow and blue, orange and purple. White buds are combined with any others. You can make a bouquet in different shades, but in the same color scheme. Remember that colors are warm and cold, which significantly affects their combination.
Step 3
Daffodils, carnations and lilies of the valley are not recommended to be placed in a bouquet with other flowers. A delicate bouquet should contain no more than three shades, it is desirable that the flowers are kept in the same color scheme. If you are making a bouquet of tulips or lilacs, then you do not need to combine yellow flowers with them, pale lilac, white or pale pink are better suited.
Step 4
Feel free to combine sizes and textures. Flower heads can be large and small, needle-like and double, smooth. Your bouquet may include satin tulips, chrysanthemums, small gypsophila and large gerberas. Be especially careful when combining complex and simple in one bouquet. The beauty of the orchid and anthurium will overshadow the tenderness and simplicity of daffodils or small daisies. As a result, the bouquet will look tasteless and ridiculous. The beauty of wildflowers will appear brighter if the bouquet is composed only of them.