How To Learn To Make Bouquets Of Flowers

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How To Learn To Make Bouquets Of Flowers
How To Learn To Make Bouquets Of Flowers

Video: How To Learn To Make Bouquets Of Flowers

Video: How To Learn To Make Bouquets Of Flowers
Video: How to make a mixed flower bouquet 2024, December

It is known that an experienced florist with artistic taste is able to create a captivating bouquet even from those flowers and plants that, at first glance, cannot be combined with each other. Anyone can learn this art if they wish.


It is necessary

A little imagination, patience, knowledge of the basic principles of floristry


Step 1

First you need to get acquainted with the author's bouquets of professionals - at least in pictures on the Internet, in order to grasp the basic principles. Starting to draw up a bouquet, you need to imagine its shape, height, proportions of the composition. This is important for the arrangement. For example, it will not be superfluous to use several types of flowers of different heights - if the bouquet is made for a vase. For a basket, of course, the length of the stems should be the same.

Step 2

When composing a bouquet, you need to imagine where the center of the composition will be, where the gaze will stop. These can be large flowers at the base of the bouquet or small ones at the edges. This focal point should not be too large, otherwise the rest of the flowers in the composition will simply "get lost". Having decided on the appropriate size and shape of the bouquet, the flowers are placed in a vase at different angles in different directions. The emphasis should be on the most beautiful colors. On the stems of the main flowers, arranging plants look great - climbing or falling. Light grains that rise above the main flowers can serve as decorative elements of your bouquet.

Step 3

It is not recommended to combine simple, familiar to us, and exotic plants in one composition - such a "set" will look absurd. In order for your bouquet to be harmonious and charming, you can use plants in different stages of flowering. Young buds look great against the background of already blossoming flowers. In a bouquet, flowers should not be arranged tightly, stem to stem - a certain freedom is needed.

Step 4

In order for the bouquet to remain fresh, it is advised to add geranium or thuja to it, and supplement the wildflowers with greens. Flowers are cut with a sharp knife in the evening or early in the morning, the lower part of the stem is cleaned of thorns (roses) and leaves (any flowers). Immediately before starting to draw up a bouquet, the incisions are refreshed with the same sharp knife - obliquely. If flower stems contain latex or milk juice, they should be burned over a fire, immersed in boiling water, and then in cold water. If lilies are present in the bouquet, you need to remove their anthers - so the flowers will not get dirty.

Step 5

When composing a bouquet, one must remember about the combination of cold and warm tones in it. Cold ones are blue, blue, purple. Warm - orange, yellow, pink, red. Visually cold tones move the flowers painted in them away, warm ones bring them closer. The presence of warm shades of flowers in the composition revives the bouquet and distracts attention from the calmly cold petals.
