How To Care For Bonsai

How To Care For Bonsai
How To Care For Bonsai

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Bonsai is a dwarf plant that is grown in a shallow pot or tray. This is a kind of hand-made creation of a landscape in miniature. Such dwarf trees were admired and carried away by high-ranking samurai. It will take a lot of knowledge and experience to grow this piece of art at home.

How to care for bonsai
How to care for bonsai

It is necessary

  • - spray gun;
  • - soil mixture;
  • - expanded clay;
  • - secateurs.


Step 1

Bonsai are best kept outdoors, with most species preferring a subtropical climate. But the overwhelming majority of compatriots are grown in areas where it is not possible to keep bonsai outdoors year-round. In the warm season, the plant should be kept on a balcony (loggia), in a garden area or on an open window sill. Indoors, Myrtle, Yew, Chinese juniper, citrus and pomegranate grow well.

Step 2

Good lighting is not only a source of energy for a bonsai tree, but also an important factor that shapes the principles of bonsai. Most tree species grow in open, sunny places. However, it must be borne in mind that the midday sun can negatively affect the plant. Position the bonsai pot so that no direct rays hit the crown at noon. In the cold season, additional lighting of the plant with fluorescent lamps is desirable. With a lack of lighting, the leaves become pale and large, internodes lengthen, the lower branches give a small increase, die off.

Step 3

Success in bonsai cultivation also depends on proper watering. Deciduous species need more moisture in summer than evergreens or conifers. In cold weather, deciduous ones consume less water. Coniferous species painlessly tolerate a lack of water in the soil. It is very convenient to water by immersing the pot in a container of water. In this case, the soil is completely and evenly saturated, the soil clod is not washed out. For irrigation, you can use tap (settled), rainwater. Since tap water contains a lot of chlorides and calcium, it must be kept at room temperature for 24 hours. Spray the bonsai crown periodically with water from a spray bottle. This technique not only cleans the leaves from dust, but also humidifies the air.

Step 4

Maintaining the shape of the crown and the size of the tree is carried out by pinching new growths and cutting off old branches. When maintaining bonsai, these operations are the most difficult. Watch for the growth of shoots. Remove unnecessary buds and shoots as soon as they appear, so that the tree does not waste the growth of nutrients on them. Calculate the timing of this operation so that the shoots have time to grow before the period of relative rest.

Step 5

Transplanting a bonsai is a very important step in keeping the bonsai healthy. Usually the container is not changed during the transfer. The main goal is to remove thickened roots, replacing the soil with fresh ones. Carefully remove the plant from the pot and cut off a portion of the root system from the bottom. Then fill in new drainage, add fresh soil, strengthen the tree in the same position. Evergreen or deciduous bonsai are transplanted every 1-2 years, conifers - after 2-3 years. Spring is the best time to transplant when the buds open. To do this, use the usual potting soil.
