How To Design A Brochure

How To Design A Brochure
How To Design A Brochure

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Brochures are actively used in all types of activities, from the service sector to educational institutions. Thanks to them, it is possible to present both lecture plans and advertising of the company's products in an accessible way for the reader - the main thing is competent design.

How to design a brochure
How to design a brochure


Step 1

First, decide on the format of the publication and the number of pages - these indicators will depend on the goal that you set for the brochure. It can be either an impressive A3 format and 4 pages, or A5 and 48 pages of printed text. The first one is perfect for advertising demonstration, the second one will be an excellent informative publication.

Step 2

Then decide on the color of the brochure. It can be black and white, low-color and full-color. If you wish, you can combine, for example, a colored cover and a black and white middle. The choice, again, should depend on the function of the publication. If this is an advertisement, then in order to achieve the effect, it is more expedient to choose a color design, if it is methodological literature or filing of working documents, then you can stop at a simple b / w version.

Step 3

The next step is to select the paper for printing. It can be glossy or matte, dense and thinner, or it can even resemble a newspaper one - it all depends on your material capabilities.

Step 4

Decide on fonts and primary colors - these are very important elements that determine the emotional color of the presented information. There are a lot of combinations, as examples of the most successful ones are “red on a white background”, “yellow on a black background”, “blue on a yellow background”. You can also choose the corporate color of your company. At the same time, the font should not be too sharp, crowded, it should be readable and emphasize the overall design.

Step 5

Decide what illustrations and decorative techniques you want to use for decoration. Modern consumers want to see really bright and interesting ads, and students will probably like a manual with photos and diagrams more than monotonous text. In addition to accompanying illustrations on the topic, diagrams, tables, graphs, logos, you can decorate the pages of the brochure with drawings, gold or silver embossing, or cutting.

Step 6

You can sew the brochure with simple staples if the number of pages is small, and you can also use thread sewing or a spring. It is better to make the cover dense - it can be laminated, transparent plastic or ordinary cardboard.
