How To Distinguish Silver

How To Distinguish Silver
How To Distinguish Silver

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Silver is a noble metal of silvery-white color. Silver is relatively heavy: lighter than lead, but heavier than copper. Extremely plastic - the light reflectance is close to 100%. With the passage of time, it dims, reacting with traces of hydrogen sulfide contained in the air, becoming covered with a sulphide coating. Possesses high thermal conductivity and the highest electrical conductivity

How to distinguish silver
How to distinguish silver

It is necessary

Needle or other sharp object, magnet. For chemical tests - iodine, pencil, special chemical reagent


Step 1

Jewelry made of silver metals must have a test mark. But even she does not guarantee quality - the sample is easy to fake.

Step 2

To determine the authenticity of a silver item, you need to hold it in your hands for a while. If the palms remain clean, then the silver is of good quality. If it gets dirty, it means that the silver is heavily diluted with zinc, which means, over time, it will quickly darken and deteriorate due to its fragility. It should be noted that high-quality silver also darkens over time, and this darkening is removed by tooth powder or special jewelry cream. Darkening on low-quality metal will not wear off.

Step 3

True silver has a high thermal conductivity. To distinguish silver, you should pick it up. The product should warm up quickly in your hands

Step 4

Brass items sold under the guise of silver can be easily identified with a needle. Since the silver film on brass is very thin, it does not hold well and is easily scratched. Using a needle or other sharp object, the film is damaged and reddish metal (brass) is exposed. Silver is not afraid of such a test

Step 5

With the help of a magnet, you can distinguish true silver from an iron object covered with a layer of silver. Pure silver does not magnetize.

Step 6

The silver product darkens when it reacts with iodine in the sun. To do this, iodine should be applied to silver and held in the sun. Real silver should be covered with a yellowish-gray to black film, depending on the sample.

Step 7

With the reaction of silver and a lapis pencil, high-quality metal becomes slightly cloudy. A fake in the form of a copper compound (tin bronze, bronze, brass, cupronickel, nickel silver, aurichalcum, beryllium bronze) turns black quickly and violently, in a black and coal color.

Step 8

Currently, you can buy a chemical reagent: "silver test" and it is easy to distinguish real silver with it.
