How To Build A Dugout

How To Build A Dugout
How To Build A Dugout

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There is no doubt that a dugout is the best option for a do-it-yourself structure. The dugout is quite inconspicuous, since a significant part of it is hidden underground. It doesn't take much time to create such a structure. The ability to keep warm in dugouts is much higher than in conventional huts. Special investments are not required, the dugout can be created from scrap materials. However, it is still better to use quality material in order to get a good result.

How to build a dugout
How to build a dugout

It is necessary

  • 1) Shovel
  • 2) Roulette
  • 3) hacksaw
  • 4) Ax
  • 5) Hammer
  • 6) Nails
  • 7) Building material


Step 1

First of all, you need to find a place for your dugout and take measurements. When choosing a place, you need to take into account the features of the area. Try to locate the future dugout in an elevated area, in extreme cases, on a plain. If the dugout is located in a ravine, or in a lowland, then it will inevitably be flooded during rains or melting snow. Therefore, be careful. If you need a camouflaged dwelling, then choose an area closed by trees. When building in a forest, the most ideal option would be a small clearing, closed on all sides by trees.

Step 2

After choosing a place, we proceed to the marking. Based on the requirements, we think over the size of the dugout. We mark out two rectangles: the outer rectangle will be the border of your dugout; the inner one will be 10-15 centimeters from the edges of the outer rectangle. This is the border of the interior decoration of the dugout.

Step 3

Let's start digging a hole. You need to dig along the edge of the outer rectangle. However, the boundaries of the inner rectangle should not be lost. This is one of the time-consuming processes, so it is desirable that several people do the work. The depth of the pit ranges from 1-1.5 meters, depending on the soil. Having chosen one of the short sides of the rectangle, we dig out a staircase that will serve as an entrance. The entrance should go beyond the boundaries of the dugout.

Step 4

We procure or buy timber. Trees can be used. The length of the bar is 2.5 m and the thickness is at least 15 cm. Three such bars are required for work. We dig in and strengthen them in the middle of the dugout at an equal distance from each other. The distance is calculated based on the size of the dugout. Strengthen them well so that the timber does not wobble in any way. It is a support for the roof and load-bearing walls, so pay special attention to strengthening it.

Step 5

After that, we lay another beam, the length of which is slightly longer than the length of the dugout. It is laid on top of previously installed beams and reinforced at the top. After that, at a distance of 30 centimeters from the outer border of the dugout, we lay logs from 10 centimeters thick and fix them on the ground. After that, we erect the walls by nailing boards or logs to the upper bar, and a log lying on the ground.

Step 6

This is followed by the strengthening of the base of the dugout, then a layer of branches for the roof is laid. If necessary, you can lay roofing material. Along the borders of the inner rectangle that you marked out, "clothes" are laid - a layer of branches that will serve as insulation, and, in fact, are the inner walls of the dugout. It remains to disguise the dugout, carry out internal work and arrange life inside the structure.
