The humorous game of KVN has long ceased to exist only on television and has moved on to the scenes of schools, universities, and even friendly parties. Many modern student organizations have their own KVN team, which competes with other teams, and in order to win the competition, team members must come up with as interesting and unusual jokes as possible.

Step 1
To write good jokes, a team needs to get together and brainstorm - the intellectual and creative activity of a group of people will certainly lead to the fact that in the end you create something unusual and bright.
Step 2
In order for the brainstorming to be effective, it is necessary for each of its participants to have a notebook and a pen at hand and write down all the ideas and thoughts that come to mind during the discussion. When all the sheets are complete, pass them around in a circle, complementing the ideas of your teammates with original moves and interesting thoughts.
Step 3
After a while, when the leaves with rough comic reprises once again go around in a circle, take a break from the thought process, then return to it again and start reading the created reprises aloud. Pay special attention to those leaflets, the reading of which caused laughter and animation in the audience. These reprises are the most successful, and from them you will later be able to form interesting performances.
Step 4
You can also make brainstorming effective by separating joke writing by topic - for example, in the first circle the group writes jokes about politics, in the second circle they write about advertising, and so on. The more jokes and reprises you create in the process of brainstorming, the larger and more voluminous your collection of jokes will be, from which you can then choose the most successful ones for further development and proofreading.
Step 5
When coming up with jokes, remember also that they can be both one-day and “eternal”, relevant at all times. For example, many jokes today are considered outdated, and if they were laughed at thirty years ago, now they will not seem funny to anyone. Likewise, there are jokes that will make people of any generation laugh at any time.
Step 6
Universal jokes should have a universal basis - literary, historical, related to interpersonal relationships, social life and similar phenomena. To achieve a funny effect, you can use a play on words, paraphrase popularly known lines from poems, proverbs, and also combine seemingly incompatible lines from different literary works.
Step 7
By touching on topics that are close to each person - folk wisdom and relationships between people, you will also benefit. Use absurdities, puns, logical incompatibilities in your joke, and also work with hints - let the listeners mentally think of the joke and laugh at its meaning.
Step 8
Jokes about a specific everyday social or political situation and other pressing issues can be funny, but these jokes should be really relevant and short.
Step 9
Write jokes whenever you have ideas and inspiration, pick out the most valuable thoughts from a set of thoughts and use them to select the best jokes and reprises. Be self-critical and learn to analyze your material, filter it, and work with the highest quality ideas.