The emotional impulse to write poetry is worthy of an answer. It is imperative to write. Especially if there is a reason - a holiday, prom, falling in love. In addition, a poem is a valuable gift to a person who is close and dear to you. Your creation is a piece of your soul, and you need to present it correctly.

It is necessary
several sheets of paper and a pen
Step 1
Imagine how long your work will be - how many stanzas, how many lines in each stanza. Maybe it will be a sonnet? That is twelve lines plus two lines of the epilogue. This is the best form of versification as a gift to your loved one.
Step 2
Decide on the poetic size - two-foot (iambic, trochee), tricycle (anapest, amphibrachium, dactyl). If you are not strong in literary terms, then just imagine what famous poem your work will look like. For example, "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands …" or "I am sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon …". By catching the rhythm, it will be easier for you to write.
Step 3
Think about what you want to say. For each verse, highlight your thought. Find a few rhymes that match the theme of the poem.
Step 4
Take a sheet of paper and sketch out whatever comes to your mind. Do not restrain yourself, even if it seems to you that this is a complete mess of words, and you cannot write about it. In this way, inspiration comes to you, and it is better not to argue with it.
Step 5
Take another piece of paper and try to rhyme everything that was written earlier. Throw something away, add something. Create, invent, make up words so that it turns out beautifully. When it seems to you that you said everything you could, then write it down on a blank sheet of paper.
Step 6
Read aloud what you get. Now it is necessary to "comb" the text, that is, remove parasitic words from it, replacing them with other words - epithets and metaphors. Reread it again.