The name of a person in Orthodoxy reflects the sacrament of a unique, precious person, it presupposes personal communication with God. The power of the name is so great that, for example, the holiness of icons is valid only if the face of the saint is "confirmed" by his written name.

Step 1
The tradition of naming children in honor of Orthodox saints dates back to the days of Ancient Rus. The child was named after the saint, whose memory was celebrated on the eighth day after the birth of the baby (the eighth day is a special Orthodox symbol denoting the Kingdom of Heaven).
Step 2
Later, they began to depart from this tradition, and the parents gave the child the name of that saint, whose life and deeds were especially close and reverent to them. This saint became the patron saint of the infant. It was believed that the patron saint sends special grace to the people bearing his name.
Step 3
Nowadays, the tradition of the Name Day (celebration of the Day of the Angel - the day of memory of the patron saint) is only reviving. How to find out who their saints are patrons, and on what day is his name day celebrated?
Step 4
If a person's name is on Christmas time, you can choose any saint whose memory is celebrated on the next day after the person's birth or baptism. If the name is not on Christmas time, you need to contact the church where the baptism took place. There should be kept records of the baptismal procedure and the name of the patron saint.
Step 5
If it is impossible to go to the church, then you can independently choose any saint as a patron. It is necessary to study the lives of the saints, choose the one who is closest in views and sacred deeds.
Step 6
According to the deeds of the saint, according to his life path, one can choose the patron saint of a particular profession. For example, sailors from ancient times venerated St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It is believed that a prayer appeal to the patron saint gives strength in a difficult situation.
Step 7
Needless to say, a believer is well acquainted with the life path of his patron and keeps an icon with his face at home. The life of the patron saint serves as an example and a source of inspiration.