How To Make Furniture For Children

How To Make Furniture For Children
How To Make Furniture For Children

Table of contents:


Making furniture is not easy and requires patience and experience. For starters, you can try to make something small, childish in every way, for example, a chair.

How to make furniture for children
How to make furniture for children

It is necessary

  • - sandpaper;
  • - wood glue;
  • - PVA glue;
  • - hacksaw for metal;
  • - a hammer;
  • - a piece of board 20 mm thick (10x10 cm);
  • - foam rubber and soft fabric for upholstery of the seat and back;
  • - a strip of sheet metal and 6 screws for fastening the back and seat.
  • Chair details:
  • - 4 legs 39 cm long;
  • - 2 rounded parts for handles;
  • - 2 top bars 22 cm long;
  • - 2 bars 34 cm long;
  • - 3 transverse strips 30 cm long;
  • - 6 chipboards (20x35 cm) for the back and seat.
  • - 1 chipboard (25x30 cm) for the table top.


Step 1

Buy blocks, cut them into slats 20 mm thick, 40 mm wide, then measure and saw out the parts for the chair legs and crossbars. Sand each part with medium sandpaper.

Step 2

Make a drawing of the rounded handles of the chair: draw a quarter circle with a radius of 80 mm, then inside - with a radius of 40 mm, extend the quarters of two circles by 20 mm on each side with straight lines. Transfer the drawing onto a 10 x 10 cm piece of board and cut out the fillets.

Step 3

Saw out the dowels for fastening the parts: take an 8 mm thick bar and cut from it rectangular blocks measuring 8 by 20 mm, 50 mm long. Sand the edges of the dowels with sandpaper until rounding. At the ends of the parts, drill and align with a chisel the recesses for the fasteners.

Step 4

Assemble the sides of the chair: fasten the legs with the lower crossbar on the dowels (construction in the form of the letter H). Coat the dowels and holes for them with wood glue, hammer in each dowel to the middle with a hammer, insert the part to be connected, tighten, making sure that there are no distortions, leave to dry.

Step 5

Glue the curvatures to the top rungs on the right and left to create the rounded chair arms (also sit on the dowels and let dry). Then glue the two rounded handles to the two sides (design H will turn into a crossed out in the middle P with rounded upper corners). Sand the finished sidewalls.

Step 6

Glue the seat and backrest with PVA glue, each of the three chipboard boards, put under the load. Round off two corners: the top of the backrest and the outside of the seat. Lay down the foam and wrap with a soft cloth.

Step 7

Connect the back and seat with a strip of tin, attach it with six screws. Drill 4 holes in the seat for attaching to the chair frame, 2 holes in the back for attaching to the chair arms in the curvature area.

Step 8

Connect the two sidewalls to each other with two transverse planks, with the third transverse plank, connect the chair handles at the junction of the upper planks and rounded parts.

Step 9

Place the seat with the backrest on the transverse slats, mark the position of the backrest relative to the chair arms. Fix the desired backrest tilt by gluing the support block to the rounded handle part. Now attach the seat and backrest to the chair frame on the dowels with glue, after the glue dries, sand the entire surface with sandpaper.

Step 10

Saw a tabletop out of chipboard, which is attached to the chair arms, rounding all the corners and deepening the inner side by 50 mm in the center. Glue it to the top cross bar, placing it on top of the chair arms.
