Creating your own show is an ambitious and exciting task. To implement it, of course, it is necessary to have at least basic knowledge in the field of performing arts, artistic taste and intuitive vision. Someone will say that the implementation of such a goal is within the power of only professionals with many years of experience. However, history knows many triumphant breakthroughs based solely on self-confidence and talent. Therefore, if confidence in your capabilities prevails over doubts, feel free to go to let, armed with step-by-step instructions for creating a show!

Step 1
First, decide on the genre direction within which your show will be created and exist. Whether it will be a dance, musical, circus, illusion or any other show is a matter of principle. Your choice will determine the nature of the next steps.
Step 2
Indicate your target audience - the main parameters of your potential viewers: age, social status, interests, tastes, etc. You need to understand who you are going to show your show program to.
Step 3
As a rule, show projects, especially bright and colorful ones, require significant financial investments. Therefore, calculations are indispensable.
If you do not have your own room suitable for rehearsals, you will have to rent it.
Do not forget to include in the estimate the cost of buying, sewing or renting stage costumes, designing and creating props and decorations.
Step 4
Well, what a show without a troupe. Take care of the selection of the artistic cast. This problem can be solved in several ways:
• independently, if you trust your own professionalism and / or instinct;
• resort to the help of specialized sites with detailed information about artists of any genre. For example: www.baza-artistov.r, www.eventcatalog.r
place announcements of casting on ad sites in the appropriate sections;
• contact a professional casting agency. Do not be lazy to make inquiries before giving preference to this or that organization.
Step 5
The director should be the key figure in your show. The final artistic result will largely depend on it. Ask who was involved in staging successful shows in your category or related to it (unless, of course, you are not going to realize this role yourself). Contact these people with a proposal for cooperation. Finding contact information in the Internet space, as a rule, is not difficult. For example, through social networks. Now you can proceed to the stage of the stage implementation of the idea.
Step 6
Decide whether you want to tell the "world" about your show or be content with the audience's attention from a narrow circle of people in the person of your relatives and friends. If the second option does not require significant efforts and financial costs, then the first involves a number of actions:
• Decide on the methods of communicating information about your show, which are offered in abundance by modern advertising and PR technologies. At this stage, you can also use the services of specialists in this area;
• establish contacts with distributors (organizers of concerts and celebrations at various concert venues). They are intermediaries between you (your show) and therefore the audience. Follow the same pattern as for finding a director.