Almost every online gamer, playing Counter-Strike shooter, noticed different sounds and musical compositions coming from some players. Many people mistakenly believe that these actions are carried out using a microphone and give up the idea of trying themselves as a "network DJ". However, absolutely any gamer can achieve this.

Step 1
Initially, you will need to download and install two programs on your computer: dBpowerAMP Music Converter and HLSS. In the Counter-Strike 1.6 / cstrike game folder, create a text document called autoexec and copy the following content into it: bind v "ToggleWav" alias hlss-START " voice_inputfromfile 1; voice_loopback 1; + voicerecord; alias ToggleWAV hlss-STOP "alias hlss-STOP" voice_inputfromfile 0; voice_loopback 0; -voicerecord; alias ToggleWAV hlss-START "alias ToggleWAV" hlss-START "alias ToggleWAV" hlss-START.cfg.
Step 2
Launch dBpowerAMP Music Converter and select the desired music files that you want to play in the game. Now convert the music in accordance with this screenshot at this link Enter the HLSS program and specify the path to the game folder in the "Options" tab. Click OK. After that add all the converted music to the program. To do this, click on the green plus icon and add files from Converted Music, and you will see a Shortcut in the window that appears. There you can specify a button responsible for playing a specific recording. For example, you added two songs and assigned them the F11 and F12 keys. Pressing F11 will play the first song, F12 will play the second.
Step 3
Next, activate the program by clicking on the icon with the image of a hand with a raised finger and launch Counter-Strike. Turn on your console. This can be done by simply pressing the ~ ("tilde") key. Next, write this line to the console that opens: exec autoexec.cfg. Now go to any one on the game server and press the button that you assigned to a particular music track. If you did everything right, then the music should start playing. If it doesn't, enter voice_loopback 1 in the console and try again.