How To Find Music By Passage

How To Find Music By Passage
How To Find Music By Passage

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Everyone is familiar with this situation. We heard the song on the radio or somewhere else, we liked it, but only a fragment remained in our memory. Neither the title of the song, nor the title of the artist. And I want to listen to the song again and again. With Internet access, it is quite possible to find music by excerpt.

How to find music by passage
How to find music by passage

It is necessary

Internet access, registration in the Vkontakte social network


Step 1

There can be several options for searching for a song by an excerpt. First, you can use the major search engines. Just enter the passage you know into the search bar. If the song is well known, the search engine will most likely give you results with the artist and song title, as well as the rest of the words.

Step 2

You can also restore a song through an excerpt using the popular Vkontakte social network. To do this, you need to use the search for audio recordings, sequentially pressing the buttons "Search" and "Audio recordings". Next, you need to check the box "with text only". The passage you entered will display songs containing that passage.

Step 3

In addition to a simple search through search engines, you can immediately use sites that search for music by excerpts:,

Step 4

If the methods described above did not help, then it makes sense to ask people for help. The easiest way to do this is through specialized music forums. They have topics where users help each other find songs from known passages. For example, if the song you are interested in is from the 80s era, then you can refer to the Autoradio forum. In the subforum there are many topics asking for help in finding a song by excerpt.
