How To Paint With Oil Paints

How To Paint With Oil Paints
How To Paint With Oil Paints

In order to learn how to paint with oil paints, you must:

How to paint with oil paints
How to paint with oil paints
  1. Purchase art oil paints.
  2. You will need paint thinner.
  3. Now it's up to the pictorial base - what you will paint on. Oil paints can be painted on a rigid, semi-rigid and elastic base. The rigid base is boards, as well as plywood, fiberboard and chipboard, metal boards. Semi-rigid base - cardboard. The elastic base is canvas. Canvas as a painting base is most widespread. It is better if for your first experiments you purchase an already primed canvas, cardboard or plywood.
  4. It is advisable to immediately purchase an easel and a sketchbook.
  5. You will need a palette to mix paints. Buy a plastic, or use a white plate, ceramic tiles as a palette.
  6. Brushes are what you will paint with. They come in large, medium and small, hard and soft, flat and pointed. The best brushes are from the hair of the kolinka, ferret and squirrel. For the first time, buy 3-4 brushes of different sizes.

Now you have everything to paint with oil paints. Of course, it is still good to purchase some kind of painting manual, to get acquainted with the concept of perspective, composition, the basic properties of color and light. Think over the theme of your first work, composition, perspective, color scheme, apply the drawing to the canvas, then start painting in oil.

The methods of applying oil paints can be different, but the leading ones are two:

Multi-layered. With this method, paints are applied in several stages and the work process is divided into:

  • underpainting - the first registration of the painting with color, the preparatory stage. It is performed with a thin layer of liquid paint on a primed base. Underpainting can be done in one tone, in a light and shade solution, or in multi-colors.
  • registration. Further registrations are made according to a well-dried underpainting. Each registration must dry well.
  • glaze - a final layer is applied on dried-out registrations with thin, transparent and translucent strokes.

Alla-prima - with this method, the paint is applied on a raw base in one layer. This type of oil painting makes it possible to complete an etude in one session and is technically simpler. Until the paints have dried, you should try to write as much as possible. You can paint on raw paint as long as it allows you to mix other paints with it.

Try, experiment, copy pictures of the old masters. Check out tutorials on different genres of oil painting to help you achieve success faster.