Oil painting gained popularity in Europe at the beginning of the 15th century and is still one of the most difficult and skillful types of painting. The complex structure of a dye based on vegetable oil requires careful use and understanding of the chemical processes that take place when the dye dries.

They paint with oil paints on a wooden surface or on a rough cotton canvas covered with acrylic primer. An additional layer between the main picture and the paints is necessary so that the oil from the paint is not absorbed into the picture ahead of time - so the painting will be more durable and bright. If too fast drying of oil paint negatively affects the quality of the picture, then waiting for a long drying time is simply inconvenient, because the oil should be varnished to fix and preserve the picture. How to calculate a favorable time for drying oil paint?

The drying time of oil paint directly depends on the base on which the dye is mixed. It is known that paints with various pigments are most often mixed with linseed oil, while white or transparent paints contain poppy oil. It is more transparent, but dries much longer than linseed. Desiccants are added to modern oil paints - special substances that accelerate the drying process. Add a little drier and varnish to the paint so that the painted picture dries faster.

Store the finished painting in a warm, sunny place to dry completely, but do not expose it to direct sunlight or heat: the oil may simply spread. For the same reason, do not use the hot air of a hair dryer - the paint will either flow, or dry out and immediately crack, which will ruin the picture. You can only lightly dry oil paints by directing a jet of cold air from a hair dryer at them. Be careful. You can try to dry a small painting in the oven or microwave. In this case, the paints will slightly change their color, and the picture will look like an antique one.

If the painting dries correctly, then first, its surface is covered with a protective film formed from linseed oil. This process takes about a week. Drying of deep layers of paint takes from several months to several years. As a rule, the oil painting is varnished a year after the end of the work.