In order to draw an Indian, it is necessary to draw an ordinary person and highlight the features that are characteristic of the representatives of the indigenous population of America. It is also important to highlight their distinctive apparel and accessories.

Step 1
Draw a pencil sketch of the person's body. With the main body parts drawn, pay attention to the details that set the Native American people apart from the rest. First, make your body stocky, strong and muscular. Second, draw high cheekbones and an aquiline nose. Third, depict deep-set eyes. Pay attention to the fact that almost no hair grows on the faces of Indian men, so do not draw an Indian with a mustache or beard. If you want to portray an elderly Indian, instead of a beard, select deep nasolabial folds on his face. For people with red skin, large lips are characteristic, depict the opening of the mouth horizontal and large enough.
Step 2
Draw the clothes of a representative of the Indian culture. It is sewn from animal skins and home-woven coarse linen. Remember that the Indian tribes did not know buttons, all their clothes were attached to the body with straps and ribbons. On the legs of the person, depict moccasins, sewn from skins. Each Indian tribe had its own totem animal, and the images of this beast were often present in the robes. It was applied with natural paints or embroidered with threads. The Indian tribes of South America used tree leaves and woven skirts as clothing.
Step 3
Equip a person with primordially Indian attributes - a bow, arrows. If you are drawing an Indian by the water, you can draw a pie or oars. Remember that warlike tribes often wore bundles of scalps taken from slain enemies. The Indians living in South America are more peaceful, but they also hunted, and since bows and arrows are useless in the Amazon jungle, they used spears or tubes with poisoned arrows.
Step 4
Draw the headdress of an Indian. The most recognizable of these is the beaded headband with eagle feathers falling over the shoulders. Indian warriors gathered their hair in a bun and inserted feathers into it. The indigenous inhabitants of the Amazonian forests cut their hair "under a pot", but also loved decorations made of exotic birds' feathers and beads.
Step 5
Color in the drawing. Use reddish-brown colors for the body and natural colors for clothing.