Transforming balloons into a wide variety of figures is a favorite pastime of many adults and children. At first glance, making something interesting and unusual out of an elongated ball is not an easy task. In fact, having before your eyes the step-by-step instructions for turning the balls into various figures, you can easily make one of them yourself. The simplest model of balloons for modeling is a dog.

It is necessary
1 modeling ball and ball pump
Step 1
The modeling ball should be inflated with a ball pump. At one end of the part, leave a tail 10-15 cm long, unfilled with air. Tie the other end with a knot.
Step 2
Beginning the transformation of the ball into a dog should be from the end at which the knot is located. Having retreated 5 centimeters from the knot, the ball needs to be twisted. In this case, both twisted parts of the figure should be firmly held with your hands, otherwise the ball may unwind back.
Step 3
Now, while still holding the five-centimeter section of the ball with your left hand, you need to step back 4 centimeters from it and twist it again. Next, you should make another part 4cm long. With your left hand, hold all 3 of the resulting sections. Now you should fold and twist the last 2 parts of the ball together. Thus, the dog has a head consisting of a nose and eyes.
Step 4
Next, twist the ball in three more places. In this case, you should get 3 identical parts 4-5 cm in size. The part that is closer to the dog's head is the neck. And the next 2 parts are the front legs. Now the front legs of the ball dog should be connected. Then twist the figure in the place where the dog's neck ends.
Step 5
The dog already has a head and front legs. It means that it remains to add its body, hind legs and tail. From the front legs, measure about 10 cm and twist the ball. Now the dog has a torso. Further, according to the principle of making the front paws of the dog, the hind legs should be made. You need to step back 4 cm from the body and twist the ball. Then step back 4cm again and twist the ball. It turns out 4 parts: the first is the body, the next 2 are the hind legs of the dog and the last is its tail. The hind legs need to be twisted in the place where the body ends.
Step 6
The balloon dog is ready. The process of its creation is so simple that not only an adult, but also a child can cope with it.