How To Make A Crossbow With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Crossbow With Your Own Hands
How To Make A Crossbow With Your Own Hands

A crossbow can be viewed as a weapon, sporting weapon, collection item, defense, or attribute in an RPG. Regardless of the purpose of use, do not forget that the crossbow belongs to the type of throwing weapon and can be regarded as a cold weapon if the force on its bowstring exceeds the permissible threshold of 20 kg. This information is extremely important for someone who has decided to engage in self-development of a crossbow.

How to make a crossbow with your own hands
How to make a crossbow with your own hands

The educational part is over, now it's worth moving on to the practical part. In order to make a crossbow, you need to decide on the primary goals of its manufacture. For an amateur carpenter, these are the features of decoration and the quality of the crossbow, for an athlete, these are indicators of convenience and range of a shot, accuracy of the aiming mechanism and other indicators.

Modern materials and technologies make it possible to make a crossbow of a high level of convenience and efficiency. You just need to choose the scheme according to which the assembly will be carried out. Based on the scheme - the action plan, the selection of materials is carried out. The main functional units of the crossbow are:

  • The bed, the base of the crossbow, on which all the nodes are fastened. It is best to make a hardwood bed.
  • The shoulders of the crossbow are elastic parts of the device that provide the tension of the bowstring and its release moment. Today, the shoulders are made of plastic and polymer materials, but this does not exclude the use of wood.

    - Trigger or bowstring release mechanism. This node can be implemented in different ways. It all depends on your resourcefulness and practical skills.

  • Sight or front sight. The node is simple in implementation. Its adjustment and adjustment is much more important. The crossbow is quite tricky to tweak in terms of accuracy and this is a real constructor challenge.

Before starting work, choose the exact scheme, calculate the dimensions and proportions, make a model of the foam parts. The second stage will be the selection of materials for individual parts. Then you should outline and cut out the details. Assembling a crossbow will not do without fitting parts to each other. This process will increase the strength of your design. The stage of setting up and testing will be the most enjoyable. After all of the above, you can go to show off to your friends and family about the result. Be careful in calculations and measurements, the success of the whole business depends on it.