If at some point you suddenly realize that it is unbearably difficult for you to return home, you are oppressed by painful thoughts and negative emotions, do not rush to blame everything on fatigue. After all, the exhausted traveler who reaches the sanctuary finds peace and quiet, despite all the hardships of his journey. Our home is saturated with our inherent energies as much as possible and mirrors the inner world of its inhabitants.

Step 1
Since it is thought that underlies all manifestations, our stresses and tensions settle in the walls of the apartment, gradually creating a heavy atmosphere in it. To restore balance and harmony, you just need to cleanse your energy space.
Step 2
There are several simple, but quite effective methods based on a single principle - the introduction of an element of goodness (since like attracts like). The first, and quite common, is to invite a priest, whose spiritual and moral appearance evokes respect and humility in you.
Step 3
The second is to do the whole procedure yourself. To do this, you will need church wax candles, knowledge of at least one prayer ("Our Father", "Theotokos"), a glass of salt and a cleaned apartment.
Step 4
Light three candles, join them together, and wrap the bottom with paper in the shape of a frill collar to keep dripping wax away from your hand.
Step 5
Stand at the front door, put a glass of salt in front of it and, starting to read a prayer, go around the entire apartment from door to door in a clockwise direction. Candles can crack, spray wax, smoke or go out, be careful with open fires and have matches or a lighter with you, just in case. Read the prayer continuously until you finish walking.
Step 6
Then remove the paper and put the candles in a glass of salt, let them burn out.
Step 7
Then collect the leftovers in a bag and take it out of the house in a trash can or bury it in a non-human place. Also, instead of fire, you can use Epiphany water and a blessed panicle.
Step 8
But remember that a holy place is never empty, and if you do not fill it with good energies, the "bad" ones will come by themselves.