How To Cleanse Yourself Of Negativity

How To Cleanse Yourself Of Negativity
How To Cleanse Yourself Of Negativity

Table of contents:


Probably, every person has experienced a negative impact from the outside at least once. I rode into the subway and got out like a squeezed lemon, i.e. devastated morally and psychologically. And this did not happen at rush hour. Or talked to an unpleasant person, and soon the mood deteriorated, a feeling of depression and unaccountable anxiety appeared. Situations such as noisy scandals, various protest rallies, domestic and corporate showdowns are out of the question. So that the negative does not linger on you, does not penetrate deeper and does not begin to carry out destructive work in the body, you must hurry to get rid of it.

How to cleanse yourself of negativity
How to cleanse yourself of negativity


Step 1

Water procedures. This is the simplest and one of the most effective ways to cleanse your biofield and remove negativity. Shower, bath, swimming in the pool, swimming or even simple splashing in the river, sea, pond - your choice. Which is closer and more accessible. The most effective is considered to be immersion in running water (or ablution in running water). That is, a river or shower will quickly remove negative information from you. If you cannot take a shower or swim in the pond, you can wash your hands and rinse your face with clean water.

A very effective way to relieve negativity is a wet foot massage. Wet your feet (only up to the ankle) and hands, then slap your feet with your palm. 50 times one at a time and 50 times the other. Set the strength of the cotton yourself. The greatest effect occurs if melt water is used for wetting.

Step 2

The fire. Light candles and sit with them. Or light a fireplace, bonfire, stove (keep the door ajar). It is important that the fire is alive (decorative electric fireplaces and candle-style electric lamps are not suitable). An interesting fact: almost all earthly elements can be conquered by evil. So, earth and water are able to absorb negative information and give it out, the air can also be permeated by it. Fire is considered the only element on Earth that is not defeated (not defiled) by evil. He is pure in himself, and actively purifies what is in his halo: objects, phenomena, people.

Step 3

Salt. She is a frequent attribute in many rituals that have been performed by our ancestors since time immemorial. Asking salt for help is still relevant today, because it is known that it has a flexible energy structure and is able to vividly absorb information directed to it. Put your feet on a layer of salt, it will take on all the negativity. Just be sure to flush the salt down the toilet afterwards or pour it away from home. If you believe in conspiracies and ancient rituals, before starting the procedure, heat salt in a pan and read the conspiracy: “What has come, everything is gone. Pure salt, pure salt, take everything that is bad, ubiquitous, spoken by an evil word, glazed with an evil eye. Amen . You can hold your hands and elbows in salt, and put a few grains on the top of your head.

Step 4

Nature. Forest, field, meadow, coast (sea or lake / river - not important) contribute to the purification of our biofield, i.e. remove the negative. Striking results are noted with direct contact with trees (come up and hug, press first with the spine, then with the chest). It's good if you know "your" tree (according to the druidic calendar), but if not, that's okay. Pine, poplar, aspen perfectly remove adhered negative energy. You can even cut dice from these trees and bring them home. In moments of poor health, apply them to disturbing places.

Step 5

Look inside yourself. If you feel the influence of negativity on yourself, try to put your thoughts and feelings in order. Have you recently been angry, annoyed, indignant at people and thought badly of them? Have you in the heat of the moment sent curses or malicious promises on someone? Remember. After all, a bad word - it, like a boomerang, returns to the one who sent it. If you are a believer, go to the temple. If not, just reflect on your life and your actions. Try to be kind to others. This is always helpful. At the same time, the biofield invariably becomes cleaner, because you are working on yourself, striving to become better.
