To one degree or another, intuition is developed in every person. Those representatives of humanity, whose "sixth sense" has increased potential, claim to be a psychic. The modern experience of extrasensory perception has stepped so far that certain exercises have been developed for teaching and developing intuition. They are useful for all people, regardless of age and gender.

Step 1
Imagination is a psychic's tool. Virtual self-knowledge is useful for its development. Imagine that your body has a structure of floors. Mentally visit your first floor, which contains everything you need to survive: food, protection, self-preservation. Virtually go down below, into the basement, everything negative that is inside "lives" there, examine each instinct, familiarize yourself with it, study it. Then leave this room, close the door behind you and throw the key from it.
Step 2
Now there is only one staircase that leads upstairs. Dreams, premonitions and other functions of the psychic "live" on the skyscraper of consciousness. Make the exercise harder each time, climb higher and higher, find unfamiliar doors. Behind them should be new qualities and skills. Of course, just imagining the process of self-improvement is not enough, you need to participate in it. The exercise should be done for several minutes a day. It is important to do them every day, without exception. Soon you will see the first changes related to the increase in the sensitivity level.
Step 3
The ordinary individual has only "external" vision and can see what the refraction of light allows him to see. Psychics have highly developed "internal" vision, which allows them to "see" in the dark and everything that happens, say, behind their backs. Anyone can learn the techniques of inner vision if they practice for at least a couple of seconds every day.
Step 4
Say out loud or mentally, "The shape of this object in the dark reminds me of (say the name of any object). I develop within myself the ability to recognize objects."
Step 5
In any place and at any convenient moment, take a few seconds to inspect the surrounding objects, then order your subconscious mind to convey to you everything that may be necessary for development.
Step 6
To develop your hearing acuity before going to bed in complete silence, hunt for extraneous noises and sounds. Be sure to mentally identify their source.
During the daytime, constantly try to control the sources of sounds.