What Signs Of The Zodiac Are Suitable For The Euclase Stone

What Signs Of The Zodiac Are Suitable For The Euclase Stone
What Signs Of The Zodiac Are Suitable For The Euclase Stone

Euclase is a rare mineral, so jewelry with this stone is very valuable and rare: they can only be purchased from collectors and professional jewelers. It is not surprising that this semi-precious stone has unique magical properties. A mascot with euclase is not suitable for every person. There are only two signs of the zodiac that have good compatibility with euclase and can wear it without fear.


Who is euclase suitable for?

Euclase belongs to minerals with very specific properties. Russian astrologers agree that this stone is suitable for only one sign of the Zodiac - Pisces. But some astrologers interested in the properties of semiprecious and precious stones call another sign of the zodiac that can use euclase as a talisman - this is Cancer.

Euclase is distinguished by a high degree of transparency, as well as a calm, cool palette of greenish, blues and blues. It is these qualities that make it a very suitable talisman for Pisces and Cancer: astrologers recommend to both signs of the zodiac to choose jewelry with stones of this color. All varieties of euclase are in perfect harmony with the element of water, which includes Pisces and Cancer.

When choosing jewelry with euclase as a talisman, one should take into account not only zodiac compatibility. So, astrologers do not recommend young people to wear this stone. He will bring good luck only to a mature person with a formed worldview, who figured out himself and found his destiny. For someone who has very little life experience, euclase is more harmful than useful, and this does not depend on the sign of the zodiac. In a young and inexperienced person, a stone is able to awaken selfishness, insensitivity and excessive prudence.

The magical properties of euclase

It is believed that euclase is capable of multiplying insight and the ability to sober rational thinking. These magical properties are very valuable for the dreamy, impractical Pisces and Cancer. Representatives of these signs are often somewhat divorced from reality and too immersed in the world of their fantasies, therefore they need a strong talisman that will provide them with practical "earthly" energy. In addition, euclase enhances communication skills and awakens creative powers.

Euclase manifests its magical properties most clearly if it is inherited. In this case, the stone is able to bestow true happiness on its owner: if a person respects family traditions, knows how to adopt the experience of ancestors and has sufficient knowledge to pass it on to the next generation, the positive effect of the talisman with euclase increases several times. Both Pisces and Cancer are very "family" signs, therefore they have excellent compatibility with this stone.
