As you name the ship, so it will float. Therefore, the name of the tribe plays a very important role in the life of the members who joined it. A tribe is a limited number of people united by a common idea, the key factor is the reason, the purpose of their unification. Each group of such people should be united by a common name. A motto and a flag are also needed. So, what you need to know before choosing a tribe name.

Step 1
Determine the reason why a limited number of people decided to get together. This can be a game goal, the fulfillment of a specific mission, the creation of new conditions for a peaceful life, leaving the former habitat, the original can be a change in living conditions in the old place, etc.
Step 2
Ask each potential tribe member to name the measures taken to implement the idea, or ways to implement the idea: building new housing, enslaving neighboring tribes in a belligerent way, etc.
Depending on the results of the previous point, after consulting with members of the tribe, depict the "coat of arms", the flag, the ornament of the flag - an individual designation that distinguishes your tribe from others.
Step 3
Remember: the flag should as accurately as possible express the general attitude towards other tribes, correspond to the idea and aspirations of the tribe. In this case, use a color that is most accurately perceived by the human eye. Make it clear what you need to fear, beware, or else the tribe should be friendly and absolutely fearless, and maybe noble.
Step 4
Think over the abbreviated name of the tribe very carefully. Most likely, neighboring tribes and residents of other formations will call you by your abbreviated name. But in no case should it spoil the main thing.
Step 5
Be sure that there will be people all over the world who want to join your tribe. From this we can conclude that the name of the tribe and its image on the flag should scare away enemies or set them up aggressively against them, but at the same time every “homeless” or any other person who is disillusioned with his own tribe should want to join yours. seeing his coat of arms, flag, hearing the name.
Step 6
The name should dictate certain norms of behavior in the tribe. Of course, this is possible in the first place when taking into account the ranks or status of some members of the tribe. Define them.