How To Get To Military Training

How To Get To Military Training
How To Get To Military Training

Any citizen of the country who is in reserve can get to military training. In this case, it is necessary to be registered with the military commissariat at the place of registration, since it is this body that decides on the summons for the fees.

How to get to military training
How to get to military training

A Russian citizen cannot attend military training on his own initiative, since the need for such training is determined by the Ministry of Defense and other authorized bodies. At the same time, only those persons who are officially in reserve, are registered with the military commissariat at the place of registration, can be called up for training. A direct call to such events is carried out by the agenda of the military registration and enlistment office, which informs about the place and time of the beginning of the collection (usually you need to arrive directly at the military registration and enlistment office or other collection point). To be called to the specified event, a person should also not fall under certain legally established exceptions.

Who is not called up for military training

Any citizens who are in reserve or in reserve can be summoned to military training. The exception is women, police officers, other internal affairs bodies, civilian personnel of the army, as well as persons directly working on certain types of transport (air, watercraft). In addition, pedagogical workers, students, fathers with many children, persons staying on the territory of another state, and some other categories of citizens are exempted from fees. Also, an unconditional basis for exemption from any measures related to the fulfillment of military duties is the presence of a criminal record, an open criminal case, a sentence of imprisonment, restriction of freedom, compulsory or corrective labor.

How long does the military training last

The law determines the possible frequency of calling citizens to undergo military training, the maximum terms for their holding. It should be borne in mind that there are training and testing fees, the duration of which is taken into account separately. The longest duration of one military training camp for a citizen in reserve is two months. There is also a limit on the total period of fees for which a reserve person may be called up. The specified period is twelve months. It should be borne in mind that military commissariats and other authorized bodies cannot summon one citizen to such events more often than once every three years. It is also forbidden to involve a recently retired serviceman (within two years after the date of dismissal) in the training camp.
