There are few people in the world who have not experienced a toothache at least once in their life. These exhausting, piercing sensations are almost impossible to calm down - therefore, people often use folk methods, which also include magic.

Speak Tooth Pain - Rituals
To pacify a toothache, there are many different rituals - after all, in the old days dentistry was practically not developed, and people were forced to seek salvation from aching teeth themselves. Since then, medicine has made great strides forward, but the spelling of toothache is still popular and relevant in modern society.
It is from ancient times that the saying "Don't speak my teeth" came from, which means to distract a person from any problem.
Effective toothache conspiracies include a water ritual performed on the moon. You need to read it in the evening, facing the moon. At the same time, you should hold a vessel with raw water in your hands and speak, repeating the following words seven times:
“Keeper of heavens and traditions, Lord and Master of ezen, zayan and tengri. Grant me permission to perform my ritual! Help me and make your direct intervention in my affairs! Fill my body with life energy. Infuse my mind with the healing light of consciousness. Fill my soul with your invisible presence. Be sympathetic and noble to me, relieving me of terrible pain. Now and forever and ever, take the pain out of my teeth."
The following ritual has proven itself no less well. To complete it, you need to wash your hands and the door bracket with water, pour it over the threshold and draw crosses at the sore tooth with the words: “Dawn-lightning, red girl, dark midnight. There is a hare in the field, a stone in the sea, a limar at the bottom. Cover, lightning, with your veil my mournful teeth from the accursed limar; under your protection may they remain intact. Enemy Limar, leave me alone; and you will continue to gnaw my white teeth, I will hide you in the abyss of hell. My word is strong, amen, amen, amen!"
Psychological remedy for toothache
If conspiracies do not help, you can use one proven method by tricking the nerve endings of the brain. To do this, you need to switch his hemispheres so that the signaling devices and nerve endings are swapped. For example, temporary use of the left hand for a right-hander, and vice versa, helps a lot.
The brain switches from familiar sensations to processing new tasks, thereby distracting from the source of the toothache.
An excellent effect is obtained by a clove of garlic tied to the inner side of the wrist, which is parallel to the side with the aching tooth. You can also change your watch or wedding ring for twenty minutes. An attempt to write with an unusual hand or any other, in fact, similar action helps.