Parents want the best for their children, some want to speed up this process and look into the future life of the child by drawing up a horoscope for children.

Step 1
A horoscope is an assumption that the time, day, month and place of a person's birth affect his character and future. But it is clear that two people born in the same month under the same zodiac sign are not exactly the same. Therefore, in order to draw up the most accurate horoscope for a child, all factors must be taken into account at birth. The place of birth is needed to draw up the so-called natal chart, that is, a map of the starry sky at the time of the birth of a child.
Step 2
In order to draw up a natal chart, you need to know the time when the child was born, because the position of the stars in the sky is constantly and rather quickly changing. To draw up a horoscope for a child, it is not particularly difficult to find out the exact time of birth, because the mother still remembers this moment. For an adult, the time of birth is a more difficult question, therefore, when it is unknown, astrologers take into account other factors.
Step 3
If you want to draw up a horoscope for a child on your own, then you still need to have special knowledge or turn to astrologers or Internet resources for a service. On various specialized services, you can find programs that are developed for compiling natal charts yourself. However, this is a rather laborious and painstaking process, in which you need to take into account a lot of different information and special knowledge.
Step 4
There is another way to draw up a horoscope for a child on your own - this is the use of ephemeris tables. These are tables that already describe the location of the planets in relation to each other for each day. Ephemeris tables can be found in special editions. In order to understand them, you also need to spend some time and ingenuity.
Step 5
Until recently, astrology was a fantastic science, accessible only to a select few. To understand the character of a person by the arrangement of planets and stars, as well as to predict what awaits him in the future - it was almost a sacred act. With the development of technology, this process becomes simpler, but it still requires some knowledge. Even if a novice user with the help of special programs can draw up maps and horoscopes, then in order to decipher them, you need to involve a specialist.
Step 6
The program that can help you compose a horoscope is quite simple to understand. In special cells, you need to enter the parameters of the birth of a child, and the program itself will calculate and give a result, which will only need to be interpreted correctly. What method of drawing up a horoscope for a child to choose is the decision of the parents. But for a competent and most accurate forecast, it is better to use the services of a professional.