Such a mobile is suitable for decorating a children's bedroom, and it will not be superfluous in an adult's room, because it will remind you of summer …

To make a mobile of butterflies, you need thick paper (for example, the kind on which advertising inserts in glossy magazines are printed - it is denser than usual and holds its shape well), thin threads or the thinnest line, hard cardboard for the base, glue (ordinary stationery glue, PVA or "Moment").
Work order:
1. Cut more butterflies out of thick colored paper. If you only have thin paper, you can glue it in two layers to keep the butterflies in shape.
For a mobile, the following template is best suited:

2. Cut out the cardboard circle (base of the mobile). It can be decorated with the same multi-colored butterflies or simply pasted over with colored paper.
3. Cut the threads or fishing line into different lengths. Tie a butterfly on each of them. You can also diversify the pendants by attaching two butterflies to the longest threads (the second is in the middle of the thread).
4. Attach the butterfly strings in random order to the cardboard base.
5. At the top of the cardboard base, attach a loop of tape to hang the mobile from a curtain rod, curtain, or chandelier.
Hang your mobile with butterflies in a draft so that the butterflies constantly "flutter".
Helpful advice: make such a mobile with children, because this craft is very simple and only needs inexpensive materials that are in every home.