Novice guitarists use the Dm chord almost more often than others. And this means that you need to learn how to play it as soon as the instrument fell into your hands and you tuned it. Like all other guitar chords, it is played in different positions.

It is necessary
- - 6-string guitar;
- - chord determinant:
- - tablatures;
- - a computer with Guitar Pro or Guitar Instructor programs.
Step 1
Tune your guitar. This can be done using a tuner, including an electronic one. It is in any program designed to teach guitar playing. There you will also find a built-in chord finder. In Guitar Instructor, in addition to Latin notations, there are also Russians. Looking at the "Chords" section and typing D, you will find out that Dm in Russian notation is a D minor chord. See what sounds are included in it. This is re, fa and la
Step 2
Learn to play a D minor chord in first position. Hold the first string at the first fret, the second at the third, and the third at the second. For the first position, there is another version of this consonance. The first string is clamped at the 5th fret, the second at the third, and the third at the second. The fourth and fifth, corresponding to the sounds of D and A, remain open. Don't touch the sixth at all
Step 3
To play this chord in second position, play a large barre on the second fret. The second string should be down at the third fret, and the fourth and fifth at the fourth and fifth frets, respectively
Step 4
To play the chord in third position, hold down the second string at the third fret. The third does not sound, the fourth is clamped at the fourth fret. The 5th and 1st strings are pressed down at the 5th fret
Step 5
Practice a few variations of the Dm chord in fifth position. They are also taken without barre. The fourth and fifth strings remain open. With the index finger of your left hand, grasp the first string at the 5th fret, place the middle string on the second string at the 6th fret, and the ring string on the third at the 7th fret. It is useful to remember the numbering of your fingers. Index - 1, middle - 2, ring - 3, little finger - 4. The thumb does not participate in the formation of chords on a six-string guitar, therefore it does not have a number. In the notes for the seven-string guitar, he is marked with a cross
Step 6
Try hitting a Dm chord in fifth position with a barre. Use your index finger to pinch all strings at the 5th fret. At the sixth fret, hold the second string, and at the seventh fret, hold the third and fourth. The sixth string in this case participates in the formation of the chord. You can also use a small barre by holding five strings. The rest of the fingers are placed in the same way as in the previous version
Step 7
D minor in tenth position is taken with a large or small barre. In one version, only the first three strings are clamped, the fourth and fifth strings are open. You can play the first string at the thirteenth fret. It is most convenient to do this with your little finger. The third option is the fourth and fifth strings, clamped at the twelfth fret. You can also limit yourself to clamping only the fourth at the same point. But there is also a variant with the fourth and fifth clamped in the indicated place, to which the first string is added, clamped at the thirteenth fret.