Cutting fur is different from cutting fabrics and leather. The main difficulty lies in the fact that artificial and natural fur has a pile, which should not be damaged when cut. How to cut natural and artificial fur correctly?

It is necessary
- - marker,
- - small scissors with sharply sharpened blade ends,
- - a razor blade or a sharp furrier knife.
Step 1
Sort natural fur skins by pile density, fur pattern, pile length. Carry out preparatory operations: moistening, lying down, straightening.
Step 2
Examine the fur carefully. Select with a pen or marker on the flesh those places where the fur has bald patches, holes. Lift the skin in front of the light source to reveal all the small holes.
Step 3
Place the skins on the table, fur side down. Fur cannot be cut by folding like fabric in several layers. If you have several pieces, lay them all out so that the fur lies in the same direction. Long-haired artificial and natural fur is cut so that the pile on the garment is directed downward.
Step 4
Lay out the patterns on the fur in such a way that the spots with the marriage do not fall on the pattern. Remember that if the fur is spotty, then it is better to place the spots on the pattern symmetrically. After laying out the patterns, it is worthwhile to turn the fur over with the pile towards you again and carefully look at how the details being ground will look next to it.
Step 5
Circle the details. The seam allowances in the fur are made very small. If the parts will be grinded end-to-end, no allowances are made.
Step 6
Take a small, fine-bladed scissors or razor blade and begin to gently cut through the flesh while weighed it down. To do this, hold the skin with your left hand, and carefully cut through the leather with your right hand. You only need to cut the leather or woven base (in faux fur), and simply separate the fur without cutting.
Step 7
After cutting, the paired pieces are folded with the fur inward. Remove any fluff that has fallen out. Remove needles and pins (if you used them) from the fur.