Financial independence is important. It allows us to live life to the fullest. But working hard to achieve financial independence is not enough, you still need to properly manage the money received. In this matter, it is already difficult to make a discovery, but it is useful to remember some useful rules.

Not everyone has the ability not to spend the received salary on the day it is received. Managing money correctly is a skill that shows how much you value your work. But constant savings and the ability to spend money correctly are not synonymous. Let's think about how to spend money so as not to live in the grip of austerity, enjoy life and delight your loved ones.
Save some of your money
How much to save depends on the specific conditions - the amount can be 30 or 70 percent of the earnings received, but 10% should be considered the necessary minimum. Open a replenished deposit in a reliable bank and save up. This amount will serve as a force majeure airbag.
Remember, your main enemies are advertising and expensive purchases
Fashionable novelties were invented only to increase the spending of ordinary buyers. Think for yourself - why buy the newest gadget if the capabilities of the old one are not used even by 10%? Why listen to fashion designers who swear that a different shade of pink has come into fashion this season than in the past? Why chase jewelry if it's just plastic and glass?
Buy things only being confident that they will serve you for years. Stylish look and comfortable life do not require endless shopping at all!
Don't pay for what you can do yourself
You should not buy ready-made meals and semi-finished products, often go to restaurants, it is better to cook at home with your family. The same goes for many other expenses. It is much more enjoyable to use what is done or organized with your own hands, rather than faceless objects or services.
Don't confuse entertainment with shopping
Remember that endless "shopping malls" are just big markets filled with shops and stalls. Choose real entertainment - theater trips, nature trips instead of endless shopping trips.
Don't mindlessly pamper your children
Even if you have the opportunity, don’t buy everything the children ask for. Tons of toys and gadgets are not the best you can give them. Communicate more, read books, walk, cook, find a common hobby.