Features Of Growing Parsley

Features Of Growing Parsley
Features Of Growing Parsley

Parsley seeds are very tiny and very unpretentious. They sprout even at a temperature of three degrees Celsius. The plant hibernates under the snow, does not freeze at ten degrees below zero. Still, you need to follow a few simple rules when growing parsley.

Features of growing parsley
Features of growing parsley

Parsley loves moisture, it must be watered regularly, only there should not be a lot of water, otherwise the plant will get sick.

In order for parsley seeds to sprout together, they need to be soaked in water for a day. Then put the seeds on a wet cloth, cover with gauze on top, moisten from time to time. When sprouts appear, refrigerate the seeds for a week or two. Germination due to this procedure is accelerated three times. Then you can plant the seeds in the soil.

Prepare the bed before planting. Light soil, well fertilized, is more suitable for parsley. Introduce manure and mineral fertilizers into the soil in autumn. In the spring, also fertilize with soil, it is better to use superphosphate, saltpeter and potassium chloride.

Sow parsley seeds in the beds where cucumbers, cabbage, potatoes, and beets grew last year. You can sow parsley both at the end of winter and at the end of autumn. But if you decide to sow seeds in winter, then germinating them is not required. Plant seeds no more than three centimeters deep. Fill the grooves with humus, put a film on top - this will allow the seeds to germinate faster.

Or plant parsley seeds in a box in February, and plant them outdoors on warm days. Parsley is also grown on windowsills. A strong root is more suitable for this, plant it in a pot with light sandy soil. If you grow parsley on a windowsill, then keep in mind that in this case, the plant love a lot of light.
