What Zodiac Sign Is Suitable For Amethyst

What Zodiac Sign Is Suitable For Amethyst
What Zodiac Sign Is Suitable For Amethyst

The beautiful and mysterious amethyst is the most expensive type of quartz. This stone was valued in ancient times, when the biblical high priests and other noble persons adorned themselves with it. What properties does amethyst have, and what sign of the zodiac does it suit?

What zodiac sign is suitable for amethyst
What zodiac sign is suitable for amethyst

All about amethyst

There is a version that the amethyst got its name from the beautiful nymph Ametis, who became a stone, fleeing from the pursuing Dionysus, the god of wine and vegetation. The ancient Greeks were sure that amethyst protects them from drunkenness and even made amethyst cups from it. Translated from the ancient Greek language, "amethyst" means "not leading a wild life" or "not drunk."

In the Middle Ages, amethyst, consisting of silicon dioxide with an admixture of iron, was called the blessed or apostolic stone.

The characteristic properties of amethyst are its high hardness, violet color and transparency with a pearlescent or glassy luster. The color of this stone has many shades - from pale purple to deep blue-red tones. The intensity of the color of amethyst increases if the crystal is heated for a short time - however, prolonged heating leads to the appearance of a green color or complete discoloration of the stone. Green amethyst, or prasiolite, is very rare in nature, so this shade is obtained by hand, enriching jewelry using new technologies.

Amethyst and the zodiac sign

Modern astrologers claim that amethyst is the stone of Aquarius, but also has a beneficial effect on all signs of the zodiac. Aries can be worn with amethyst jewelry to develop prudence, restraint and caution. For Taurus born before May 1, amethyst will help to find happiness, cope with melancholy and activate mental performance. Gemini can wear amethyst to cope with nervousness and bring harmony to the relationship.

Amethyst is believed to cure insomnia and bring pleasant dreams when placed under a pillow overnight.

The best talisman amethyst is for Cancers, born before July 1, it helps to increase immunity, normalize digestion and improve kidney function. Lions will find calm and balance with amethyst. Virgo - precision and accuracy. Libra amethyst will help develop good intuition and improve personal qualities. Scorpios will receive a powerful amulet in the form of amethyst, and Sagittarius will gain mutual understanding in relationships. For Capricorns, the stone will help remove negativity from the soul, as well as smooth out wrinkles. With the help of amethyst, Aquarius will get rid of nervous overexcitation, and for Pisces it promises luck and ease when breaking up with a partner.