Watches made of wood do not have to be expensive. A home craftsman can assemble them with his own hands, spending much less money than purchasing a finished product. If you make such a watch with high quality, it will look no worse than the factory one.

Step 1
Calculate your strength. Depending on the skills you have, either build a watch case entirely from scratch, or take a ready-made wooden box. The size and layout of the drawers depends on your requirements for the watch. The clock can be small or large, vertical or horizontal. The watch case must necessarily have a front wall that opens to the side, and a retainer for this wall. This can be, for example, an ordinary magnetic latch.
Step 2
Cover the case with varnish, if not using the box that was originally varnished. Keep in mind that this operation has many nuances, and you should only carry out it yourself if you have experience. If you are not sure that you can perform it efficiently, as well as ensure fire safety (varnish vapors easily ignite), entrust this operation to a specialist. Do not carry out any further operations on the case until the varnish is completely dry.
Step 3
Take the movement from a wall quartz clock with a damaged case. Please note that the alarm mechanism may not work as it does not have a mounting thread.
Step 4
Use a thin sheet of steel to make the dial. Cut a plate of the desired size out of it. In its middle, drill a hole for the fastening thread of the mechanism. Paint the sheet a light color, let the paint dry, then carefully apply the divisions and numbers using ink and a drawing pen. After fastening the mechanism with the standard nut and washer (if any), put on the hands so that they all point to the 12 o'clock division. Please note that wooden watches usually do not have seconds, so it is better not to install such a hand.
Step 5
Using a jigsaw, cut a hole in the case that is slightly smaller than the dial. Place a molding around its perimeter, and glass on the back. Fix the dial together with the mechanism on the front wall on the back side at a distance of about one centimeter from its surface. To do this, together with screws, washers and nuts, use rigid tubes, for example, cut from the body of a fountain pen. Make sure the front wall opens and closes easily with the mechanism.
Step 6
Install a battery in the clock, then set the current time, close the front wall and place the clock on a table, cabinet, etc.