Reversible clocks, sometimes incorrectly called the "Matrix" movie clock, are several times more expensive than regular wall clocks of the same class. If this does not suit you, make such a watch yourself from the usual ones.

Step 1
Do not trust those who advise you to simply turn the battery in a regular watch. This is not a collector motor, but an electronic device. The clock mechanism will not rotate in the opposite direction from the polarity change, and the electronic part may even fail.
Step 2
Disassemble the watch. Pull out the battery, remove the glass, arrows and mechanism. Peel off the dial gently.
Step 3
Scan the watch face. Make a mirror image of the image in any graphics editor. Print the result at the same scale. If desired, before or after printing (in the second case, manually) add some futuristic drawing to the image on the dial (for example, a robot, punched tape, spaceship).
Step 4
Cut out a new mirror dial from the printout. Glue it in place of the old one. You do not need to make a hole in it.
Step 5
Cut three identical plexiglass plates of the same size and shape as the original watch glass.
Step 6
In the center of one of the plates, make a hole for the mechanism and secure it. Since this plate will be directed by the mechanism towards the viewer (this is necessary so that the arrows rotate in the opposite direction), if necessary, lengthen them slightly. Put on the arrows themselves so that they all point straight up.
Step 7
Cover the dial with one of the plexiglass sheets to keep it from getting dirty. Next, install the sheet on which the mechanism is fixed, unfolding it with the mechanism towards the viewer. Finally, install the last sheet that will cover the mechanism. So that it is not visible, but only the arrows are visible, glue a small opaque circle in the center of this sheet. Use a hollow stand made from, say, old felt-tip pens to keep the gaps between the sheets for turning the hands, positioning the mechanism, and turning the timing knob. Make the structure collapsible so that you can change the battery and set the time.
Step 8
After placing the battery back in the clock, set the time on it and hang it on the wall.