Each organization has its own egregor. It reflects the unique essence of the team and reflects the deepest moods of people.

Egregor - is it good or bad? Of course, you cannot put this question so primitively, but still …
Egregor can be quite positive and contribute to the development of team members, although it requires some restrictions. For example, the egregor of a small company in which creative work is encouraged and in which the management takes care of their subordinates will be positive. Many work teams and communities are positive egregors.
There are also less positive, even somewhat tough egregors, which do not contribute to the development of people in a team, but mainly impose restrictions. A person who gets into such a team is forced to play by its rules at the cost of his desires and aspirations. For example, if an ordinary employee begins to take actions that do not fit into the established publicly or tacitly system of relations, he will be subject to some kind of sanctions. The egregor certainly needs it, but only as a unit that performs some function, or simply fills the egregor with some kind of energy. After all, the more people there are in the egregor, the stronger it is. This includes many large faceless teams in which an individual employee is a simple cog and, in fact, does not represent any value.
There are also completely destructive egregors, which are based on the fear of individual members of the team. This includes sects and other destructive organizations. Usually the leader of such an organization intimidates ordinary members, belittles them, but at the same time, the egregor feeds on their emotions and is interested in continuing such a relationship.
Whatever the egregor, in any case, it pursues its own interests to some extent and uses the people of the team to maintain itself. If you understand these patterns, then you can make the energy exchange with the egregor honest and more harmonious.