Topiary from coffee is an original "tree of happiness" that anyone can make at home. All that is required for the craft is a sufficient amount of coffee beans, a planter, a flower ball, a plastic tube and any decorative elements in the form of ribbons, ropes, dried fruits, etc.

It is necessary
- - coffee beans;
- - a floral ball with a diameter of eight centimeters;
- - plastic pots;
- - plastic tube 25-30 cm long and 12-15 mm in diameter;
- - glue;
- - alabaster;
- - satin ribbon two centimeters wide (it is better to take a pastel ribbon);
- - narrow nylon tape (width from two to three centimeters);
- - double sided tape;
- - a bowl (for breeding alabaster);
- - scissors.
Step 1
First of all, prepare everything that is required for the craft. Take a florist ball in your hands and carefully glue it with coffee beans, a strip down, trying to press the beans as tightly as possible to each other.

Step 2
Once the ball is completely pasted over, glue it over with a second layer, but this time stick the coffee beans so that you can see the stripes on the beans. The second layer is optional, but the wood will look more attractive with it.

Step 3
Next, take a plastic tube and carefully wrap it with double-sided tape in a spiral, stepping back from both edges by three centimeters.
Take a satin ribbon and wrap it around the tube over the tape.

Step 4
Pour water into the planter, and so much so that about three centimeters is not enough to the brim. Pour the water into a bowl, add the alabaster to it and stir quickly. As a result, you should get a mixture that resembles thick sour cream in consistency.

Step 5
Carefully transfer the resulting mass into a flowerpot, level it and place the "trunk" of the future tree in the middle. This must be done quickly so that the mixture does not freeze.

Step 6
After the mass in the pots has hardened, glue the "soil" with coffee beans in two layers. You should act in the same way as when gluing the "crown" of a tree, that is, first glue the grains with a strip down, then with a strip up.

Step 7
Coat the free end of the tube with glue and glue the blank-crown to it. Wait for the glue to dry properly.

Step 8
The final stage is the decoration of the topiary. To do this, take a nylon tape and tie a beautiful bow at the base of the crown of the "tree of happiness". The craft is ready.